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  • The Grape Daddy

Wine Etiquette: What Not to Do

Topics Covered: How to hold a wine glass, Wine Snob, Wine Etiquette

Have you ever found yourself in a fancy restaurant, staring at an extensive wine list, feeling like a deer caught in headlights?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Wine can be a complex and sometimes intimidating world, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, we’ll explore some wine etiquette do’s and don’ts to ensure you enjoy your wine without the need for a snobby attitude.

Nobody Likes a Wine Snob

Let’s start with the basics – nobody likes a wine snob. You know the type: the person who swirls their glass with an air of superiority, sniffing the wine as if they’re decoding a secret message from the grapes.

Wine Etiquette Article. Topics Covered: How to hold a wine glass, Wine Snob, Wine Etiquette. Wine Snob. People talking and drinking wine at a restaurant.

Photo by Helena Lopes on

It’s important to remember that wine is meant to be enjoyed, not dissected.

When ordering wine at a restaurant, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure. If the server recommends a bottle and you’re not a fan, there’s no need to go on a rant about how much you hate it. Chances are, they suggested it because they genuinely enjoy it, and taste is subjective.

Instead, politely express your preference, and they’ll be happy to recommend something else.

Holding a Wine Glass

Now, let’s talk about how to hold a wine glass.

It might seem like a simple task, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. Holding a wine glass properly isn’t just about appearances; it can also affect the taste of your wine.

When it comes to holding a wine glass, you want to avoid warming the wine with the heat from your hand. For this reason, you should hold the glass by the stem, not the bowl. This method keeps the wine at its optimal temperature and prevents your fingers from leaving smudges on the glass.

For a more in-depth guide on how to hold a wine glass, you can check out this article: How to Hold a Wine Glass: The Right Way

Let’s Review:

Topics Covered: How to hold a wine glass, Wine Snob, Wine Etiquette

Wine etiquette doesn’t mean you need to turn into a sommelier overnight. While it’s great to learn and appreciate the nuances of wine, don’t overcomplicate things. If you’re not confident about your wine knowledge, that’s perfectly okay. Wine should be a source of pleasure, not stress.

Wine Etiquette Article. Topics Covered: How to hold a wine glass, Wine Snob, Wine Etiquette. Picture of server pouring wine.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

When ordering wine, be open to trying new flavors or stepping out of your comfort zone. Instead of automatically going for a white wine, consider trying a red. Being open and adventurous goes a long way in the world of wine.

Remember, being polite and approachable is the best way to navigate wine etiquette. Whether you’re in a Michelin-star restaurant or a cozy local bistro, treat the wine and server with respect, but don’t forget to enjoy it.

So next time you’re faced with a wine list, take a deep breath, hold your glass by the stem, and savor the experience. You might just discover your new favorite wine without needing to be a wine snob.


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